27 March 2014

Recap: Mazatlan to La Paz Passage (w/pics!)

We departed Mazatlan on 10 March, and had a fairly pleasant 3 day run, crossing between the Baja peninsula and mainland Mexico for the 6th time. Coming out of Mazatlan, we were able to sail a light south wind on a beam reach for about 60 nm before the winds died and we started up the engine.

This guy followed us for hours, he must have been lost in the middle of the sea

A marlin jumping out of the water!

Instead of heading straight for La Paz, we spent a couple of nights anchored out, enjoying the beautiful scenery and clear blue waters of the Baja. We anchored in Bahia San Gabriel on 12 March, but after an uncomfortable night of southerly Coromuel winds (and paying out anchor rode at 2am on a plunging foredeck...), we moved to Puerto Balandra. The clear turquoise waters and white sand beaches of this perfect anchorage inspired many photos of the lovely AEOLI in the idyllic setting.

On 14 March, we headed to the Marina Costa Baja in La Paz to rendezvous with the Negilskis for a much anticipated family get together.

You know you're getting close to the Costa Baja when you start seeing the mega yachts...

Mazatlan To La Paz Album

1 comment:

  1. What ridiculously blue water! You should make that your screensaver at work...then you can tell people that's YOU in the bikini and not stock photography ;).
